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The Essentials


The Essentials


            Before we get to the skillets, grills, ovens, and griddles we have got to go over the “Essentials” required to begin the cooking madness of #chefchomp. 

Seasonings:  Of course how you season your food is personal preference, but I’m going to give you some ideas and let you in on what I keep in my kitchen. 

Adobo is a blend of latino seasonings I find “Essential” to any seasoning cabinet.  Now technically it is a latino seasoning but I use it in any style of cuisine from grilled steaks, chicken and rice, as well as some of the tastiest venison fajitas one can create.  That recipe will come in blogs to come.  Adobo also comes with pepper, low sodium, mild, as well as hot for those who need a little more diversity.

Black Pepper, you can never have enough black pepper!  There is not one meal I create without it.  Veggies, meats, sauces, no matter what it is it will be christened with it making it another #chefchomp “Essential.”

Olive Oil, is a healthy alternative to Crisco, butter, vegetable oil, canola oil and many other cooking fats, making it number three on the #chefchomp “Essentials.”  Wither you are looking for a simple seared ahi-tuna, chicken and steak on the grill, or a tossed squash and zucchini medley Olive Oil is sure to make the flavors pop without leaving a thick layer of film on the food creation.

Lime and Lemon Juice, I prefer squeezing natures’ own citrusy fruits right out of the rind but some prefer to keep their cuts and eyes from burning and a simple container will suffice.  These #chefchomp “Essentials,” are great for adding an extra zing to any cuisine.  They also achieve great success in cutting a sugar and fats. 

Last but certainly not lest SRIRACHA, THE most essential condiment to any meal,  (I literally put it on my pickles), SRIRACHA is an Asian chili sauce.  Some might argue the great Thai deity Pho Sop created it to go with the tasty rice the goddess allowed the people to harvest. If you are not into folklore than you are in luck but once you taste this divine sauce you will not be far from believing.  Something this sublime can only be…. You’ve got it!!! The divine #chefchomp “Essential.” 

I look forward to rolling up our sleeves and getting our #chompon, hope you all come back!

About chefchomp

I am Trey Lamberth Professionally... Musician, PR, Entrepreneur, and food connoisseur

One response to “The Essentials

  1. rivarbrown ⋅

    Hmmmmm. Now I need to go grocery shopping!

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