Anaheim Avocado Burger


The #chefchomp original Anaheim Avacado Burger is a game-day classic for my friends and I.  Come to think of it, cooking on NFL Sunday might be the only reasons I have friends, anyways, let’s get started on these burgers!

Grocery list:  Start off with the main ingredient Beef!  I usually use a combination of ground chuck and ground sirloin but it all comes down to preference.  Now we can head on over to the produce section and snag a couple Anaheim Peppers.  These mild chili peppers have a long and slender body but pack enough punch to really help the burger pop!  Next up,Image White Onions.  Usually I use red onions to top my burgers but we will be chopping the onions and peppers to mix into our patties.  For our Toppings grab a ripe Avocado, Roma Tomatoes, and Green Leaf Lettuce.

Side Note:  Avocados are a super food, meaning they are absolutely great for you!  Although, peeling one can be a little tricky.  Grab a sharp knife, stand the avocado vertical and slowly circle the knife all the way around the avocado.  Delicately pull the two halves apart and you will expose the seed.  Take your knife and carefully tap the blade into the seed and you will be able to pull it right out very easily.   Take a spoon following the curves of the avocado to pop out the meat of the avocado in one whole piece.   Now back to the burgers!

First get your charcoal lit and cooking.  Gas grills work just as well but you can’t beat the taste of a #chefchomp Anaheim Avocado burger on a charcoal grill.  Second, chop your peppers and onions to about a quarter inch size.  Combine your peppers, onions, and beef into a bowl and throw in your preferred seasonings.  I’m going to use Adobo, black ground pepper, pinch of salt, and top the patty with some sesame seeds, now you are ready to begin constructing your patties.  Hopefully your charcoal is fully coated with grey ash and you can see the embers glowing.  Place your patties around grill and cook them to the desired gauge.  I enjoy my burgers cooked medium, warm all the way through with a slightly pink center.

While the burgers are on the grill you can prepare your sides.  Can’t go wrong with French fries but on this particular occasion I went with some zesty pasta salad.  Cole slaw, baked beans, or even simple potato chips compliment this meal very well.

About two minutes before the patties are ready to come off I place my cheese and crustini bun on the grill.  Yeah I said cheese! Muenster cheese is my personal favorite for this dish.  Finally we get to pull them off!  To those of you who have read the #chefchomp “Essentials” list you will know that any burger/sandwich #chefchomp approved will have SRIRACHA.  This time I will take two tablespoons of each mix them together and smear that spicy goodness on both top and bottom of the crustini.  Top your burger with the tomatoes, avocado, and lettuce and you have completed the #chefchomp Anaheim Avocado Burger, time to get your #chompon, #chompchomp!
