Sauerkrout Soup

IMG_1226I figured it was due time for me to pay some respect to my heritage and at the same time, introduce you guys to the GrandMaster, Chef Chompowski!!!  That’s right! Polska!!! I come from a polish family and trust me, there is no better food than a good Polish Feast! I’m gonna start you guys out simple though.  This is a Crock Pot dish, in which you can throw it all together and let it cook itself.  Like any other recipe, I’m sure you could find a million different ways to prepare this, or similar recipes but this is my take on Sauerkraut Soup!

What you’ll need:

2 lbs. smoked Polish sausage, cut into ½ inch pieces

4 medium potatoes

½ large yellow onion

2 large carrots, cut into ¼ inch slices

42 oz. can chicken broth

2lb. bag of sauerkraut

6 oz. can of tomato paste

The hardest part about cooking this dish is getting to the store and shopping for the ingredients.  After you sift through all the winter weather grocery store traffic get back to your house and begin prepping the ingredients.  Once you’ve accomplished the cubing and slicing you combine all the goods into the Crock Pot and give a good mix.  Cook them on high for 2 ½ hours.  Then give it another good stir and throw it on low for another 7-8 hours and the Sauerkraut Soup is ready to go.  Now grab your favorite bread, butter it up, and dig in.  I know what you’re thinking, here comes the SRIRACHA! Nope, I can’t bring myself to add in any extras into such an old rustic Polska recipe.
