Marinated Deer Wraps

UnknownI’m not really sure how many of you guys hunt out there, or have even tried venison for that matter.  Being that it is in season where I got help you guys out and try to persuade you in trying some of the most succulent finger foods ever invented.  Now if you don’t hunt it may be a difficult to get your hands on some fresh venison.  By the way, venison is one of the leanest and healthiest meats you can eat.  Ok, so once you kill your deer, the best thing to do after you find him is to gut him on sight. Bahahahaha just kidding guys.  I’m not going to inform you guys on the act of skinning a deer.  Although, if you really would like to know I could help you out.  Back to business.

What You’ll Need:

1 lb. of deer steaks cut into 3 inch square filets  (you can substitute the deer for beef filets)

1 bottle of Allegro Original Marinade

1 package of thin cut bacon

1 container of pickled jalepenos

1 package of toothpicks

1 large Ziplock bag

Take your deer steaks and set them into the Ziplock bag.  Pour the Allegro Marinade into the bag until all the deer is covered.  Zip it up and place the bag into refrigerator and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.  The longer you let it marinade the more flavor will soak into the meat.  While the meat is soaking cut your package of bacon in half.  When you are satisfied with the marinating time, bring out the steaks and get ready to prepare the finger food.  Place a jalapeno slice in the center of each steak and wrap the steak around as well as the bacon.  Shove a toothpick through to hold it together.  Proceed until all the steaks are used.  Throw them on a medium high grill and flip after 8 minutes, or until desired.  After about 16 minutes your succulent Marinated Deer Wraps are good to go!  Duh!  SRIRACHA makes a great dipping sauce.
